Hamzeh Zawawy (MSC Graduate: Sept 2001 - Apr 2002)

Thesis: "Capacity Planning for Database Management Systems Using Analytical Models"

Abstract (full text not available)

In this thesis, we propose a scheme for performing capacity planning for database management systems.  This scheme uses an analytical model.  The model can be incorporated into a software tool that allows users to test database system tuning decisions for DB2.  The user would pick resources from a library, and specify a hardware configuration on which DB2 would run.  This tool returns an estimate of the performance indices of DB2 on such a system.  This software would save the user from actually having to try out design decisions, which can be costly and impractical.  The software can be used to find the performance bottlenecks.  The software can also be useful for a user whose system is currently performing within the required service levels but the workload of the system is expected to increase and could cause a degradation of the service levels.  The first step in our study is to monitor the performance of the system on which the database management system (DB2) is running.  We use NT and DB2 performance monitors to measure the utilizations of the system resources.  Then, we convert the monitored values into  parameters for a queuing network model that represents the DBMS (DB2).  Using curve-fitting techniques, we formulate these parameters.  And finally, we use the MVA technique to "solve" the model and to calculate the performance indices.