
Introduction to the course and this blog, as well as a paragraph intended to explain what this course is about and how it will provide a useful background in scientific computing. 

There have been updates to the web page. Note the new quiz dates, TA information, and a link to the Webct page for this course. I have also been informed of a new Academic Resource Site .

Welcome to the CISC-271 BLOG for the year 2006. I will summarize classroom activity in this space. I will use this category "Announcements" for general information. The "Lecture" category will hold most of the entries. These lecture summaries will be useful to keep your place in the course, but are by no means intended to fulfil the role of class notes.


Mathematical problems arise in all fields of science and engineering. Often a continuous mathematical model is obtained that is either difficult or impossible to solve analytically. Thus numerical methods are used to obtain approximate solutions. Numerous software libraries and applications have been developed to relieve the practitioner from the subtle complexities that arise in the implementation of these numerical solutions. This course introduces common numerical algorithms, how they work, their shortcomings, and how to use them effectively. Matlab, a widely used mathematical software package, provides students with a platform to experiment with the use of state of the art numerical routines. It is is also used as a programming environment for implementing some of the algorithms that are studied.  

Posted: Fri - September 8, 2006 at 01:30 PM          
