Lecture 12

Gaussian Elimination (with pivoting) as reported by Chris McAloney.

We began this lecture by discussing some basic terminology and
properties of matrices and matrix algebra, with the intended goal of
outlining some criteria for determining whether or not a system of
equations has a solution and, if so, how many solutions it has. The n
x n identity matrix was defined, as well as the notion of an
invertible (or non-singular) matrix. The concept of linear
independence was briefly outlined, as well as that of the rank of a
matrix A, and we tied together the concepts of invertibility, linear
independence, and matrix rank, since all these notions can be used to
determine that a system of equations has exactly one solution.

Then, we moved on to Gaussian elimination with pivoting. An example
was shown which demonstrated that the elimination algorithm presented
in Lecture 11 could fail if, during the course of the algorithm, a row
operation caused a zero to appear in one of the pivot elements (the
elements along the main diagonal) of the coefficient matrix. The
original algorithm was then modified, through the addition of row
swapping, to prevent this occurrence.

Posted: Fri - October 8, 2004 at 10:06 AM        
