Lecture 20

Polynomial interpolation with the Lagrange basis

Today we saw that we can use the Lagrange basis for polynomial interpolation. The Lagrange basis is not likely to cause numerical errors as is the case when using the monomial basis for polynomial interpolation. However, it is more expensive to do polynomial evaluation with the Lagrange basis, O(n2) versus O(n) when using the monomial basis and the nested evaluation algorithm (Horner's method). You can find material on the Lagrange basis in Recktenwald section 10.2.2, and in the Ellis notes class 10.

I also gave a justification to the claim that the interpolating polynomial is unique. The argument hinges on the fact that any non-zero polynomial of degree n-1 has at most n roots.

Posted: Thu - October 28, 2004 at 10:03 AM        
