Annotated Reading List Week 10 

This reading list will provide a list of material to read to keep up in the course. The list will contain options, where you may read one of several treatments of the same material.  

The list:

Ell = Randy Ellis, Scientific Computing Notes
Rec = Gerald Recktenwald, Numerical Methods with Matlab
Mol = Cleve Moler, Numerical Computing with Matlab

Week 10:
Topics:- Gaussian Quadrature, Euler's method for solving differential equations.

The Ell notes covers Gaussian quadrature very tersely in class 22. Class 23 of Ell is on Euler's method and cover's the topic more or less in the same way that I did today.

A more thorough treatment of Gaussian quadrature is done in Rec, section 11.3, however, some of it does not pertain to the material I covered this term. In particular section 11.3.4 on computing the nodes and weights can be skipped. You will need to read section 11.3.5 on composite Gaussian quadrature (also known as Gauss Legendre quadrature) to do one of the homework questions. I will go over this with you when we do the solutions to the homework next week. Rec. chapter 12 section 12.1 and 12.2 deal with numerical integration of differential equations and Euler's method. You may want to read the Summary at the end of chapter 12 to get an idea of some of the other algorithms that are used.

Mol is silent on the subject of Gaussian quadrature. As for Euler's method section 7.4 describes it as well as some other so called single step methods. However, most of the rest of Mol chapter 7 is beyond the scope of this course. 

Posted: Fri - November 18, 2005 at 03:45 PM          
