Lecture 34. 

Least squares. 

I began with reviewing the normal equations used to fit a line to a set of data points. I then used the concise matrix notation to represent the line fitting equations. I pointed out how the matrix version easily generalizes for any linear combinations of functions, and in particular polynomial functions. I wrote out the underlying matrix for fitting a degree k polynomial to a set of data points. The matrix we got is Vandermonde and we know how those are likely to be ill-conditioned. Thus I mentioned in passing that there are other techniques for solving least squares curve fitting that are better conditioned.

I then showed how we could transform an exponential function into a linear function so that least squares line fitting could be applied.

Finally I demonstrated the censusgui program from Moler. I also showed solutions to the two questions from Moler on HW-12.

On Thursday I will continue with solutions to HW-12 and move on to the practice final if time permits. On Friday our last lecture I will finish up with the practice final. 

Posted: Tue - November 29, 2005 at 11:49 AM          
