Human Factors Meets CASE

The Rosetta project aims to develop a tool for object-oriented analysis and design, compatible with Java and IBM's VisualAge for Java programming environment. In the Rosetta project, we are investigating how to better integrate object-oriented design into a process and toolset that programmers will be enthusiastic about using. We aim to achieve this by providing a light-weight editing environment for object-oriented diagrams.  This editor is: We gratefully acknowledge the support of IBM's Centre for Advanced Studies and of Communications and Information Technology Ontario (CITO).


Queen's University
York University
Arthur Ryman
Andrea Bunt

T.C. Nicholas Graham
Reza Kopaee
Hugh Stewart

Chris Turner
Rittu Rasouli

Software Downloads and Documentation

Project Documents

Some of the following documents require Adobe's public domain Acrobat Reader 3.0 or later. You can download the latest version here.


Related Projects

Other groups also provide object-oriented analysis and design tools for Java. Here are links to some of them: