CISC 124, Introduction to Computing Science II

CISC 124, Introduction to Computing Science II

Winter 2003-2004, instructors James Stewart and Mary McCollam

Exam Information

James Stewart's office hours will be on Wednesday, April 7, 2:00 - 3:00 and Thursday, April 8, 2:00 - 3:00.

Here are parts of the Swing API and the File I/O API. The exam will include a summary which has been extracted from these two documents.

Information for James Stewart's section of CISC 124

Here is Graeme Hill's

Here's the code shown in James Stewart's class.

A brief syllabus of James Stewart's lectures, indicating what material of those lectures will not be on the exam.

Information for both sections of CISC 124

Most course information is available on WebCT.

Assignment 4

Assignment 4 is available, along with some skeleton code.

Assignment 3

Assignment 3 is available, along with some skeleton code.

Assignment 2

See this note about iterators.

Assignment 2 is available, along with some skeleton code.

Assignment 1

A replacement Console class is available. Read these instructions before downloading!

Assignment 1 is available, along with some skeleton code.