Glenn MacEwen is a Professor in the Department of Computing and Information Science at Queen's University.

Dr. MacEwen received his Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto in 1971. He is a software engineer whose main research interests are information systems security, requirements engineering and formal methods. Recent research work has concentrated on the development of the Critical Systems Logic (CSL), a logic for the expression of abstract properties of critical systems. Such properties can embody elements of time, knowledge, permission, obligation and causality. A recent paper describing CSL can be found in a postscript file. A postscript file containing an abbreviated curriculum vitae is also available.

Dr. MacEwen is currently on leave of absence for the academic year 1996/97.

Current Graduate Students:

Recent Graduate Students:

Telephone: (613) 545-6052 FAX: (613) 545-6513 Email:

Personal Information: Glenn enjoys running, brewing beer, playing bagpipes, racing sailboats, and is a licensed private pilot.