A Quick Intro To Linux

Margaret Lamb
School of Computing
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario

What is Linux? Linux is a widely-used command-line operating system. A command-line operating system doesn't provide the fancy graphical interface we're used to (menus, buttons, etc.). Instead, the user has to type in text commands to tell the computer what to do. The commands tend to be short, to save typing, so they tend to seem cryptic to new users. Linux remains popular because some users find it faster and simpler to communicate by means of text than by mouse clicks. It also gives more advanced users the capability to create scripts combining sequences of commands.

Many Linux systems provide a graphical interface to access some of the capabilities of the system, and can run graphical programs such as web browsers. There still remains a command-line system at the heart.

If you want to try a Linux machine at Queen's, go the the CASLab web site and choose "How To...", then "Use Linux".

Linux vs. DOS: If you've used DOS before, you may see some similarities between DOS and Linux. Linux is based on the Unix operating system, which is much older than DOS (or Microsoft itself, for that matter). I'll let you speculate on who might have copied from whom!

Using Linux: I will describe the basics of the Linux command-line system. On some systems, there's a graphical interface. You may be able to find menu entries for some or all of the things you want to do. To get to the command-line, look for a menu entry labelled "terminal" or "console".

Once you're looking at the command line, you should see a "command prompt". The command prompt is usually a single character such as "%" or "$". Sometimes the command prompt will include the name of your current folder. The command prompt means that Linux is waiting for you to type a command. When you type a command, Linux will prompt out the result of the command, then type another command prompt. It's very simple. The only hard thing is remembering the commands to type!

Notes About File Names in Linux:

Basic Linux Commands:

Warning: Unlike Windows and DOS, Linux is case-sensitive. The commands above must be typed in lower-case. File names may not be recognised if you get the capitalization wrong.

This page maintained by Margaret Lamb, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario.  Last modified