Discover Tech.
Feel Empowered.
Queen’s Women in Computing is a Queen’s community for all women, underrepresented minorities, and anyone passionate about technology.
Discover Tech.
Feel Empowered.
Queen’s Women in Computing is a Queen’s community for all women, underrepresented minorities, and anyone passionate about technology.
Create Connections, Learn Together.
QWIC is a community for all women, underrepresented minorities, and anyone who is passionate about technology and share the same values of equality.
Create Connections, Learn Together.
QWIC is a community for all women, underrepresented minorities, and anyone who is passionate about technology and share the same values of equality.
Events To Make Tech Accessible.
We hold events that bring knowledge to everyone in the community. From GitHub to Network Security, learn important industry skills to take to your next interview.
Events To Make Tech Accessible.
We hold events that bring knowledge to everyone in the community. From GitHub to Network Security, learn important industry skills to take to your next interview.
Make Lasting Connections
Join a strong community of Queen's students to gain industry advice, get support and here from like minded peers.
Make Lasting Connections
Join a strong community of Queen's students to gain industry advice, get support and here from like minded peers.
Summer Mentorship Programs
QWIC's annual summer mentorship program is a chance for you to be paired with a professional and engage in one on one conversations about their experiences, professional development, job hunting, and so much more.
Summer Mentorship Programs
QWIC's annual summer mentorship program is a chance for you to be paired with a professional and engage in one on one conversations about their experiences, professional development, job hunting, and so much more.
Don't miss a thing! Follow us online.
Don't miss a thing! Follow us online.